Saturday Morning Session
Jeffery R. Holland
There's been a long history of rejection in every generation of Christ's followers in a world that is often hostile to the laws of God.
You may wonder if it's worth it to strive against the cultural norms. Yes it is! The alternative is to have our houses, families, cities, and nations left unto us desolate.
Hate is an ugly word, yet today there are those that hate us and the prophets.
If people want any gods at all they want ones that don't demand much at all. They want a God that makes them comfortable.
Miracle after miracle led people to say He was of the devil rather than God. They said this because he had strict doctrine that was hard for them.
Christ like love is the greatest need we have on this planet. partially because it is accompanied by righteousness.
There is a clear difference between the commandment of forgiving sin and the warning against condoning it.
Be strong, live the gospel faithfully, defend your beliefs with courtesy and compassion, but DEFEND them!
Ronald A. Rasband
To sustain our leaders is a privilege, it comes with the responsibility to help them when needed.
Reaching out to save eachother at any time is a hallmark of followers of Christ.
We have the responsibility to reach out and lift others.
Focusing on serving our brothers and sisters prepares us to love what the Lord loves. We grow in testimony, faith, trust and love.
Carlos H. Amado
His ministry always consisted of blessing people one by one even though multitudes followed after Him.
At each moment of His suffering, He showed exceptional self-control. He forgave those who would torture and kill Him.
Linda S. Reeves (loved this talk)
One reason we're here on Earth is to learn to control our God-given passions and power of procreation.
The spouse becomes our preeminent concern and no other activity, hobby, or task should take priority over one's spouse. Pres. Kimball
We need to respond in the appropriate way when someone we love comes to us seeking help in defeating pornography.
You can feel compassion, but you shouldn't take upon yourself the responsibility for the sins of those you love.
How do we protect our children and youth? Filters are useful, but the best way is to have an individual conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ and an understanding of His love and Atonement.
It's ok if the house is a mess and some responsibilities are left undone. The only things that MUST be accomplished are daily family scripture study and prayer, and weekly FHE. They are the very things that strengthen our homes and help keep us safe. then, if something challenging does arise, we can petition the Lord and expect great blessings and help because we have been obedient.
We must WANT to experience a change of heart and go to our Heavenly Father in prayer and ask His forgiveness.
Neil L. Anderson (the youth are a great focus during this session!)
The world will not glide calmly to the Second Coming of the Savior! As the gospel expands and grows stronger, so will Satan strengthen his efforts against us.
Sin always has been and always will be a part of this world, but now it is more accessible to all.
Not all whirlwinds in life are of your own making, some of them are caused by others and others are just part of mortal life.
Challenges will come to you, but as you trust in Christ, He will help you stand strong!
The whirlwinds in your youth can strengthen your spirituality just as strong winds make a young tree stronger too.
As the world slips away from the Law of Chastity, we DO NOT!
Everyone deserves our kindness and consideration. Beware of self-righteousness. There is no place for ridicule, bullying, or bigotry in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There may be somethings that contradict your political beliefs, but the prophets of God will always be right.
Henry B. Eyring
Your example will be followed by many that you aren't even aware of. You can leave a heritage of faith for others to come after you.
The happiness of eternal life comes through family bonds that last forever.
Duties must sometimes be difficult because their purpose is to move us down the path to live with Heavenly Father as eternal families.
Keeping our sacred covenants for a lifetime takes conviction and faith.
Righteousness must be chosen, it cannot be forced.
If we choose righteousness, we receive time. If we choose wickedness, we receive time. Sometimes the effects of our choices don't come immediately. If it was always immediate, it wouldn't test our faith.
If you let Him be the leader of your home, things will work out.
Saturday Afternoon Session
Russell M. Nelson
Faith is the antidote for fear.
Religion means to tie back to God. Are we securely tied to God?
What is our faith in? There is only one in whom your faith is always safe: the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not, fear not."
Whether truth emerges from a lab or revelation, it is truth. All truth is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Spiritual truth cannot be ignored. Obeying spiritual truth brings blessings every time. Disobedience to them brings sadness every time.
Living the Lord's pure religion is a way of life and daily commitment that will provide divine guidance.
Scriptural knowledge also brings peace and safety.
What are we missing in our lives? We can obtain inspiration through prayers of faith.
God's standards must always be our lighthouse.
Danger lurks when we try to divide ourselves by using phrases like "My private life.." etc.
Evil will never be truth, even if popular!
Of course we will face fear. Let us have the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God upon us. Pres. Monson
Let your faith show!
Richard G. Scott
Focus your life on the most basic principles of the gospel and you can bring forth more good fruit.
Teach with the vision of families being sealed in the temple.
Keep your sharing of the gospel simple.
don't become so absorbed with the trivial things that you miss learning about the true necessary doctrine of Christ.
Robert D. Hales
Claiming to love and honor God while picking which commandments we will fully follow is not what a disciple of Jesus Christ does.
We recognize the essential role of agency as we understand more deeply obedience.
Using our agency to obey requires faith and always includes a deep personal commitment to sustain our priesthood leaders.
Did Lucifer and his followers understand the consequences of their choice? Why would any of us choose to be disobedient when we know the eternal consequences of sin. Our love of the Savior is the key to our obedience to His laws.
It is impossible for others to modify God's commandments.
To rationalize disobedience doesn't change eternal consequences.
Obedience brings blessings. It is taught by example. Learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.
Claudio D. Zivic
Wouldn't it be great to get to the point in our conversion where people don't have to remind you to be obedient to the laws of the gospel.
How often do we make a mistake about the "right" way because we've listened to the world.
If we repent and accept correction, we can draw closer to our Heavenly Father.
We must not fear man more than God!
W. Craig Zwick
"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of you mouth."
What does that phrase mean to you?
We must participate in civil dialogue whether in public or in our own homes.
It does not mean that we never speak directly. Words that are full of hard truth still can be full of soft spirit.
The willingness to see through each others eyes will take the poison out of our communications and fill it with compassion and empathy. It enables us to transform hazardous situations into holy places.
Quentin L. Cook
We need to be connected to our roots and branches. That's why temple work is so important.
Sunday Morning Session
Deiter F. Uchtdorf
There is something we can do to make life sweeter...we can be grateful!
It may seem contradictory to the world for someone in pain and struggle to be thankful for their situation, but when we do so, we will be happier in life.
Commandments our opportunities to exercise our agency and receive blessings.
"What do I have to be grateful for when my world is falling apart?"
The Lord expects us to have an attitude of gratitude no matter what our circumstances.
We should focus on being thankful in our circumstances, no matter what they may be.
The choice is ours. We can focus to limit our gratitude based only on the blessings we can count, our we can have an overall feeling of gratitude.
In pain we can glory in the power of Christ's Atonement.
We may think being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved. Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. It just means we keep an eternal perspective.
It requires that we trust God as we wait for things we cannot see, but which are true.
Gratitude is an expression of hope and testimony.
There seems to be something inside us that resists endings. Why? Because we are eternal beings that have no end!
Endings here on Earth are merely pauses. In Heavenly Father's plan there are no true endings, only eternal beginnings.
Gratitude fosters empathy for all of God's creations. It is a catalyst to all Christ-like attributes.
M. Russell Ballard
No matter how good your message is, you may not get a chance to share it without consistent follow-up,
We should not refer to the church in any other way than The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Let us always make it clear that we belong to His church.
Extending an invitation without following up is like buying a ticket and not seeing the show.
The testimony that you bear is recorded by angels in Heaven. Remain steadfast in bearing testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Primary children can be missionaries too!
Jean A. Stevens
God is watching over us. We are not alone. You are not forgotten.
God accomplishes miracles one at a time, one person at a time.
The gospel is not weight, it gives us wings.
Gary E. Stevenson
The discipline of training for an athlete is like the discipline of keeping the commandments for us.
If there are things slowing your spiritual progress, let us set those things aside.
Is there someone who needs your encouragement? How can you reach out to them?
You have the Savior of the world on your side. With His help, how can you fail?
David A. Bednar (share with Scott)
The load of wood provided the traction necessary to get the truck free of being stuck.
Our individual load is comprised of many different tasks, responsibilities, trials, etc.
Is the load I'm carrying providing sufficient spiritual traction to put me back on the path to return and live with Heavenly Father?
Happiness is not the absence of a load.
We should be careful to not carry around unnecessary things in our load.
We are not, and never need be, alone. Through our Savior's atonement, we can receive strength beyond our own.
Covenants are necessary to receive all of the blessings made available thru the Atonement.
Not only does the Atonement overcome our sins, but it also enables us to do good and become better.
It is one thing to understand that the Lord came to Earth to die for us, but He also came to live for us so that He could enable us and understand the help we need in our own lives.
There is no physical pain, spiritual wound, infirmity, or weakness we experience in mortality that the Savior did not experience first. Because He can have perfect empathy, He can give us the strength we need to survive and be strengthened by the trials we have in this life.
As we are yoked to him thru sacred covenants, we will seek to live more according to His will. We will become agents who act rather than objects to be acted upon.
Thomas S. Monson
We cannot truly love God if we do not fully love His children.
Love is the very essence of the gospel, and Jesus is our exemplar.
Everyday of our lives, we are given the opportunity to show love and kindness to others.
Some of the greatest opportunities to share our love is within our own homes. Why is it that the ones we love most so frequently become the targets of our harsh words? The answer doesn't matter. We need to apply the commandment to love one another in our homes.
Forgiveness should go hand in hand with love in our home.
Blame keeps wounds open. Only forgiveness heals.
Giving words of sincere appreciation can change the world.
Let us determine to respond with love and kindness to whatever may come our way during the day.
Sunday Afternoon Session
Boyd K. Packer
Of all the titles God could have chosen for Himself, He chose Father. That should tell us where our focus needs to be in this life
Their is an adversary who personally tries to destroy the work of the Savior. Our protection depends on the choices we make to follow the Savior.
William R. Walker
When we get the inspiration from Heaven to do something, we do it NOW!
The more we feel connected to our ancestors, the more likely we are to make good choices.
No sacrifice is to great to receive the blessings of the temple.
L. Tom Perry
Out of respect for our agency, the Spirit's promptings will never by sharp and jarring. They will most often be a gentle tug of the Spirit.
We must be sensitive to the Spirit and be willing to completely alter our course. We must teach our spirit and body to work together.
Too often we think of obedience as thoughtless or blind. On the contrary, it requires much thought of if we will be obedient to the Almighty God.
Lawrence E. Corbridge
There will always be a plan to destroy the plan of God. The truth will always be opposed.
The family is the pattern of Heaven.
Michael John U. Teh
We need to recognize when we have enough. There appears to be a strong inclination to acquire more and more of what is unnecessary.
Do we refuse to see the folly in the pursuit of material things?
We need to instead lay up treasures in Heaven like faith, hope, and charity.
Our passions, appetites, and what we seek after will have a direct effect on our next estate.
Marcos A. Aidukaitis.
One should not run through garbage.
Everything which inviteth to do good is sent forth from Christ and ye may know it is from God.
In the kingdom of God, the search for truth and knowledge is strongly encouraged.
How can we recognize truth in a world that is increasingly attacking it? Know truth by it's fruits.
Ask in faith to know the truth.
He that will harden his heart will receive a lesser portion of the word, but he that will seek out truth will have it made known unto him until he knows the mysteries of God.
We need to be willing to do God's will when we find it.
We must also believe that we will receive revelation when we ask for it.
D. Todd Christofferson
Doubts about the meaning and purpose of life are groundless.
The Savior's resurrection is real!
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